Facilities, Classroom Scheduling and Logistics

This sub-task force is creating a plan for reopening classrooms in the fall and is focused on academic use facilities, not administrative buildings such as Davis Hall.


  1. Develop appropriate procedures for holding in-person classes in Fall 2020
  2. Create processes for facility disinfection including scheduling and personnel
  3. Consider traffic flow and distancing rules
  4. Create plan for signage and communication
  5. Training recommendations for students, faculty and staff
  6. Compile new list of classroom capabilities
  7. Develop new schedule and identify processes and systems impacted
  8. Make recommendations on technologies to facilitate switching modalities quickly (in collaboration with the Course Modality and Training Sub-Task Force)


  1. Traffic-flow plans
  2. Signage/restroom recommendations
  3. Recommendations for classroom capacities for use by departments
  4. Recommendations on visuals/communications to inform faculty, staff and students
  5. Operating procedures for cleaning the classrooms
  6. Recommended procurement plan with list of items

Sub-Task Force Members


Dan Cavanagh 


College of Liberal Arts

Don Lange 



Nichole Mancone-Fisher 


Enrollment Management 

Conroy Kydd 


Admission & Registrar 

Bill Carroll 


COE & Faculty Senate 

Laura Mydlarz 


Assoc. Deans/COS 

Douglas Klahr 



Keith Halman 


OIT Business Technology Services 

Amelia Firsching 


Space Management 

Lynn Peterson 


Assoc. Deans & COE 

Donald Lane 


Classroom Support 

Melissa Roach 



Amber Smallwood 


Provost Office 

Herb Booth 


Asst. Director Media Relations 

Gretchen Trkay 



Stephen Gibbs 


Electrical Engineering 

Ashley Purgason 


Associate Vice Provost – DSS