Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I manage a travel authorization that was approved in UT Share?
  2. How do I find my funding source?
  3. How do I log in to the SAP Concur mobile app?
  4. How do I update my profile?
  5. How do I designate a delegate to different roles?
  6. Am I required to submit my own expense report?
  7. How can I find the travel booking I made in Concur prior to October 21, 2024?
  8. How do I book airfare using a travel authorization approved in UTShare?
  9. How do I enter local daily travel, including Uber rides and mileage reimbursement?
  10. Why am I receiving an error message when I add an airline/airfare expense to an expense report?

1. How do I manage a travel authorization that was approved in UTShare?

  • Travel authorizations (TA) in UTShare were canceled. Reference your approved TA on your Concur expense report. Unapproved TAs will require a Supplemental Travel Request.

2. How do I find my funding source?

3. How do I log in to the SAP Concur mobile app?

4. How do I update my profile?

  1. Login to the Concur app via MyApps
  2. Select the Profile menu at the top right of the page.
  3. Select Profile Settings.
  4. Select Personal Information.
  5. Review all sections of your profile by scrolling down the page and editing any information that is missing or incorrect.

5. How do I designate a delegate to different roles?

6. Am I required to submit my own expense report?

  • Yes. In accordance with UTA policy, individuals are required to certify and submit their own expense reports.

7. How can I find the travel booking I made in Concur prior to October 21, 2024?

  • Bookings prior to October 21 are no longer visible. Your booking still exists, and will be directly billed to the department. If you have questions about your booking contact CTP at

8. How do I book airfare using a travel authorization approved in UTShare?

  • Create a Travel Request in Concur.
  • Alternatively, you can email CTP directly and cc Jane Clark using the old Travel Authorization/Supplemental Travel Authorization information. This information will also be used when you complete the expense report in Concur.

9. How do I enter local daily travel, including Uber rides and mileage reimbursement?

  • Local daily travel activities should be entered as a Travel Expense Report. A travel request is not required for this type of travel.

10. Why am I receiving an error message when I add on airline/airfare expense to an expense report?

  • Airfare not purchased through CTP or Anthony travel cannot be processed in Concur. An exception approval is needed to move forward.
  • Airfare purchased through CTP or Anthony travel before Nov. 4, 2024 will be expensed to the department directly via a journal. Only the e-invoice should be attached to the expense report. An expense line does not need to be created.
  • Airfare purchased after Nov. 4 will be assigned to the traveler and must be expensed on the associate travel expense report. See the transportation expenses job aid for more information.