As faculty and staff of the University of Texas at Arlington, it is important that we each do our part to safeguard University data.

  • All electronic devices including personal computers, smart phones or other devices used to access, create or store University data, including email, must be password protected in accordance with University requirements.
  • All computers, including personal computers, connecting to the University's network must run current anti-virus software.
  • All computers, including any personally owned computing devices on which Confidential University Data is stored or created must be encrypted. The Information Security Office recommends that you use a university owned device when storing or creating confidential University data.
  • Whenever feasible, users shall store Confidential Information or other information essential to the mission of the University on a centrally managed server, rather than a local hard drive or portable device.
  • University Data created and/or stored on personal computers, other devices and/or non-University data bases should be transferred to University Information Resources as soon as feasible.

For more information, please see the UTA's Information Resources Acceptable Use and Security Policy Agreement.

To request an exception to a policy requirement for a legitimate business reason, please send a request to the Information Security Office at